It's about time...
Hello Refera

Checkout how Refera keeps track of your referrals - saving time and increasing revenue.


Get Started for Free

Refera offers a powerful free version for both general dentists and specialists - which will always be free.

Create Account

*No credit card required

How it works

Dentist Sends Referral
Dentist Sends Referral
Referral created. Patient receives specialist info via text and email.
Patient Scheduled
Patient Scheduled
Referral and x-rays received. Specialist schedules patient.
Referral Tracking Notifications
Treatment Completed
Treatment completed. Patient referred back to GP for follow-up.
Follow Up Referral
Referred Back to GP
Follow-up request received. Patient returns to GP.
Follow Up

Paperless Referral

Never let referred patients fall through the cracks with paperless referrals. Create a referral in seconds.

  • Send to ANY referring office
  • Enter referral details
  • Enter patient information automatically (premium feature)
  • Upload x-rays and other pertinent documents
  • Eco-friendly and green
  • Never lose a referral again
Online electronic dental referral form
Dentist Referral Tracking Platform

Manage all your referrals in one place

Give patients the experience they deserve. With our easy to use platform you'll have realtime access to your referrals. Never lose potential patients again.

  • Instantly view referrals at anytime
  • View patient status with one click
  • Ask any questions via our HIPAA compliant chat

Video Chat

Save time and improve patient experience with our HIPPA compliant video chat.

  • Video consults with patients
  • Discuss treatments with doctors
  • Virtual team meetings with up to 64 participants
  • Simple to use
  • HIPPA Compliant
Teledentistry Video Chat Feature
Referral Production Reporting


With your referrals on Refera you can harness the power of the realtime data to better manage your office.


Which office sent you the most referrals this month?


How many patients didn't schedule last week?


How fast is your team following up?


How many cases did your office complete this year?


  • Send Referrals
  • Receive Referrals
  • Video Chat
  • Reporting
  • PMS Integration
$ 199
  • Send Referrals
  • Receive Referrals
  • Video Chat
  • Reporting
  • PMS Integration

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